Archive for Agustus 2014

Cara Membuat Interface SMS Gateway Server dengan PlaySMS


This document explains about how to install and setup playSMS version 1.0-rc1


Most of on the requirements on this list must be fulfilled. Please read this
part before starting the installation.
Minimum required hardware:
  • Web server capable hardware
Optional hardware or infrastructure:
  • GSM modem, single/modem pool (only when you plan to use Kannel, Gammu, Gnokii
    or smstools gateway plugins)
  • Internet connection (only when you plan to use Clickatell, Nexmo, Twilio,
    Infobip gateway plugins)
  • LAN (only when you plan to link 2 playSMS on different server in the same
    network using Uplink gateway plugin)
Minimum required softwares:
  • Operating System Linux
  • Web server software (for example Apache2, nginx or lighttpd)
  • Database Server MySQL 5.x.x or latest stable release
  • PHP 5.3 or latest stable release with mysql module enabled
  • PHP CLI (very important, do not forget this)
  • PHP PEAR and PHP PEAR-DB (very important, do not forget this)
  • PHP gettext extension (for text translation)
  • PHP mbstring extension (for unicode detection)
  • PHP GD extension (to draw graphs)
  • Access to SMTP server (playSMS will use this to send email)
  • Console browser such as lynx, wget or curl
  • Downloaded playSMS package from or latest source code from
  • Properly installed composer from
Minimum required server administrator (or developer):
  • Understand howto make sure required softwares are installed
  • Understand howto make sure installed PHP has MySQL module
  • Understand howto create/drop MySQL database
  • Understand howto insert SQL statements into created database
  • Basic knowledges to manage Linux (skill to navigate in console mode)


There are 2 methods explained in this document to install playSMS:
  1. Installation on Linux using install-script
  2. Installation on Linux step by step
You should pick only one method, do not do both methods.

Method 1: Installation on Linux using install-script

Install playSMS using install script
  1. Extract playSMS package somewhere (For example in /usr/local/src).
    tar -zxf playsms-1.0.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src
    ls -l /usr/local/src/`
    cd /usr/local/src/playsms-1.0.0/`
  2. Copy install.conf.dist to install.conf and edit install.conf.
    Then read install.conf and make changes to suit your system configuration
    cp install.conf.dist install.conf
    vi install.conf
  3. Run installer script
  4. Configure rc.local to get playsmsd started on boot Look for rc.local on /etc, /etc/init.d, /etc/rc.d/init.d
    When you found it edit that rc.local and put:
    /usr/local/bin/playsmsd start
    on the bottom of the file (before exit if theres an exit command).
    This way playsmsd will start automatically on boot.
  • After successful installation, please run command ps ax and see if
    playsmsd is running
    ps ax | grep playsms
    4069 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd schedule
    4071 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd dlrssmsd
    4073 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd recvsmsd
    4075 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd sendsmsd
  • Run several checks
    playsmsd status
    playsmsd check
  • Stop here and review your installation steps when playsmsd is not running
  • Consider to ask question in playSMS forum when you encountered a problem
  • If all seems to be correctly installed you may try to login from web by
    browsing http://<your web server IP>/playsms/ and login using default
    administrator user
    username: admin
    password: admin

Method 2: Installation on Linux step by step

Install playSMS by following step-by-step:
  1. Extract playSMS package somewhere (For example in /usr/local/src).
    tar -zxf playsms-1.0.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src
    ls -l /usr/local/src
  2. Run
    cd /usr/local/src/playsms-1.0.0
  3. Create playSMS web root, log, lib and set ownership to user www-data or
    web server user
    mkdir -p /var/www/playsms /var/log/playsms /var/lib/playsms
    chown -R www-data /var/www/playsms /var/log/playsms /var/lib/playsms
    There are Linux distributions using ‘apache’ as web server user instead of ‘www-data’.
  4. Copy files and directories inside ‘web’ directory to playSMS web root
    and set ownership again to user www-data or web server user, just to
    make sure
    cp -rR /usr/local/src/playsms-1.0.0/web/* /var/www/playsms
    chown -R www-data /var/www/playsms
  5. Setup database (import database)
    mysqladmin -u root -p create playsms
    mysql -u root -p playsms < /usr/local/src/playsms-1.0.0/db/playsms.sql
    You don’t need to use MySQL root access nor this method to setup playSMS
    database, but this is beyond our scope.
    You should read MySQL manual for custom installation method or howto insert
    SQL statements into existing database.
  6. Copy config-dist.php to config.php and then edit config.php
    cp /var/www/playsms/config-dist.php /var/www/playsms/config.php
    vi /var/www/playsms/config.php
    Please read and fill all fields with correct values
  7. Enter daemon/linux directory, copy files and folder inside
    cd /usr/local/src/playsms-1.0.0/daemon/linux
    cp etc/playsmsd.conf /etc/playsmsd.conf
    cp bin/playsmsd /usr/local/bin/playsmsd
  8. Just to make sure every paths are correct, please edit /etc/playsmsd.conf
    vi /etc/playsmsd.conf
    Make sure that PLAYSMS_PATH is pointing to a correct playSMS installation
    path (in this example to /var/www/playsms), and make sure that PLAYSMS_BIN
    is pointing to a correct playSMS daemon scripts path (in this example to
  9. Start playsmsd now from Linux console, no need to reboot
    playsmsd start
  10. Configure rc.local to get playsmsd started on boot Look for rc.local on /etc, /etc/init.d, /etc/rc.d/init.d
    When you found it edit that rc.local and put:
    /usr/local/bin/playsmsd start
    on the bottom of the file (before exit if theres an exit command).
    This way playsmsd will start automatically on boot.
  • After successful installation, please run command ps ax and see if
    playsmsd is running
    ps ax | grep playsms
    4069 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd schedule
    4071 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd dlrssmsd
    4073 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd recvsmsd
    4075 pts/12  S    0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/bin/playsmsd sendsmsd
  • Run several checks
    playsmsd status
    playsmsd check
  • Stop here and review your installation steps when playsmsd is not running
  • Consider to ask question in playSMS forum when you encountered a problem
  • If all seems to be correctly installed you may try to login from web by
    browsing http://<your web server IP>/playsms/ and login using default
    administrator user
    username: admin
    password: admin

Gateway Installation

Next, choose a gateway.
If you have GSM modem and plan to use it with playSMS, please continue to follow
instructions in INSTALL_SMSSERVERTOOLS to use SMS Server Tools (smstools3) as
your gateway module, or follow INSTALL_KANNEL if you want to use Kannel.
Gnokii and Gammu also supported, please follow INSTALL_GNOKII if you want to use
Gnokii as your gateway module, or INSTALL_GAMMU if you want to use Gammu.

Source :
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014
Posted by Andi Kurniawan


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